
Monday, July 22, 2013

KCW Wrap Up

Whew- the past week has been a sewing frenzy for me and everyone else participating in the KCW Summer challenge! I don't normally sew this much this quickly and surprisingly, my house is not too messy, my kids have been well-fed, and the sink has been cleared of dishes most nights. I'm no superwoman, but dang, sure felt like it this past week- ha!

So I just wanted to share a quick visual summary of what I made for this first ever summer challenge. I'm really happy I was able to include at least one outfit for each of my boys. I don't sew as much for my oldest because he has plenty of clothes that still fit him. He's been wearing 4T for about two years now- slow growth or permanent midget, I'm still not certain! But my daughter has been on a steady growth spurt for a year now- going steadily from 3T to 4T right on target for her age.

I'm already planning their fall back-to-school wardrobes and it's exciting to plan new and different styles for a different season. I'm all summered-out sewing-wise, how about you?

My only sewing project that I've got planned until I start on that is a mermaid-inspired birthday outfit and I'm super dee duper excited about the outfit I sketched up last night! I can't wait to share it with you once it's complete! So stay tuned for that and some party decoration ideas for that particular party!

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